C.A.P. is an innovative ground breaking effective new approach that address the International tragedy of Elder Abuse & Neglect in Nursing Homes.
Shockingly, 90% of U.S. Nursing homes have staffing too low to provide adequate care to their patients.
Elderly abuse is unpredictable as it comes in many forms which Include mental abuse and physical abuse.
The Care Advocate Program is working hard to reduce the incidence of abuse for all citizens without monetary compensation, C.A.P. will work on the behalf of the abused, family and community to assist or prevent elder abuse.

Founder Dr. Rita Elaine Stuckey, Associate Degree in Math/Science, Bachelor's Degree in Nursing, Master's Degree in Public Administration and a Master's Degree in Education.
Dr. Stuckey is the first African-American nurse to earn a Doctorate in Educational Leadership from a historic women's college, Mills College, where she served on the Board of Governors for six years.

Key facts
Around 1 in 6 people 60 years and older experienced some form of abuse in community settings during the past year.
Rates of elder abuse are high in institutions such as nursing homes and long-term care facilities, with 2 in 3 staff reporting that they have committed abuse in the past year.
Elder abuse can lead to serious physical injuries and long-term psychological consequences.
Elder abuse is predicted to increase as many countries are experiencing rapidly ageing populations.
The global population of people aged 60 years and older will more than double, from 900 million in 2015 to about 2 billion in 2050.

The Care Advocates Program (C.A.P.) is a comprehensive training model designed to curtail the incidence of elder abuse by educating volunteers to proactively intervene on behalf of seniors and their families in residential, community and institutional settings when abuse or neglect is suspected by working collaboratively with senior protective services organizations.

Learn more on how to prevent and put an END to Elder Abuse by contacting Dr. Rita Elaine Stuckey.